
Buddy Caddy is the first animal-shaped golf bag that is a US Patent approved. It functions like a regular golf bag with unique features such as eyes, nose and ears with pockets. Graal Gaerlan, the founder and inventor of Buddy Caddy golf bags uses her passion to drive her vision, mission and goals to come to fruition.  With her animal characters on golf bags and accessories, she believes children will be inspired to play golf and encouraged to learn patience, honesty and leadership while they are having fun!

Goal: #BePurposeful

The goal at Buddy Caddy is not just to make sales with golf products but also act as the voice for these neglected children and animals worldwide.  Giving back is part of our culture; therefore, our new sponsored program, “Golfing for Fun” invites Buddy Caddy kids to be active outdoors to play golf while having fun! We hope to be duplicated by others as we continue to paved the way to successfully achieve our purspose.


[ucaddon_uc_overlay_hover_carousel_content image=”248″ sub_titie=”Gabriel’s Angels” title=”2015 Charity Event” btn_text=”Visit Website” link=”https://www.gabrielsangels.org/” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]VmlzaXRpbmclMjBHYWJyaWVsJTI3cyUyMEFuZ2VscyUyMGluJTIwUGhvZW5peCUyQyUyMEFyaXpvbmElMjBkdXJpbmclMjB0aGVpciUyMDIwMTUlMjBDaGFyaXR5JTIwRXZlbnQu[/ucaddon_uc_overlay_hover_carousel_content]
[ucaddon_uc_overlay_hover_carousel_content image=”249″ sub_titie=”Gabriel’s Angels” title=”2015 Charity Event” btn_text=”Visit Website” link=”https://www.gabrielsangels.org/” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]V2UlMjBtZXQlMkMlMjBQYXQlMjBHYWJlJTJDJTIwRm91bmRlciUyMCUyNiUyMENFTyUyMG9mJTIwR2FicmllbCVFMiU4MCU5OXMlMjBBbmdlbHMlMjAlMjBhdCUyMGhlciUyMDIwMTUlMjBDaGFyaXR5JTIwRXZlbnQlMjBpbiUyMFBob2VuaXglMkMlMjBBcml6b25hLg==[/ucaddon_uc_overlay_hover_carousel_content]
[ucaddon_uc_overlay_hover_carousel_content image=”250″ sub_titie=”2018″ title=”Visiting Sade” btn_text=”Be Caring” link=”https://www.gabrielsangels.org/” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]QmVhdXRpZnVsJTIwU2FkZSUyMHdpdGglMjBoZXIlMjBzd2VldCUyMHB1cHB5JTIwZXllcyUyMQ==[/ucaddon_uc_overlay_hover_carousel_content]

Mission: #BeCharitable

We strongly believe there is no place for child abuse and animal harm in this world. Our mission is to support this ideology by amplifying the work of organizations that help children and animals who are abused and in need of support. By donating a portion of our sales, we can positively impact our mission as well as theirs and give the children the strength to not just survive but thrive.

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Donation Total: $5.00